Course Methodology
Managing Performance, and Measuring Performance and Managing Appraisal Ratings in order to Attract, Retain and Motivate your Top-Performing Employees and Drive Employee Performance. You will work collectively in teams on practical case studies to gain detailed hands-on experience using the tools and techniques discussed throughout the course. You will test various ideas to establish what works for you. Benefit from updating yourself with the latest trends and developments of best-practice.
Benefits of Attending
- Learn about the truths and myths concerning the “Death of Performance Appraisals” and discover the new trend of monthly milestones via agile MSCs rather than annual goals via KPIs or OKRs.
- Align your grade structures to your organisational objectives and human resources strategy.
- Learn about the different approaches for performance ratings, including “how many ratings” and “what descriptive words for ratings” and the distribution curve of appraisal ratings (eg: bell-curve, skewed-curve) and measuring the curve through “snap-ratio”.
Case Studies
This new-and-improved course will also share latest best-practice approaches for abandoning the annual end-of-year performance appraisal meeting and how you can abandon annual KPIs, by moving to monthly milestones and monthly “MSCs”, and monthly 2-minute feedback sessions. The course will include the following case studies designed around various companies based in Asia:
- Shows in a practical way how you can build and implement an agile individual performance management system working successfully and how to achieve and implement and a culture of performance management.
- Increase the effectiveness of employee performance Appraisals
- Critically analyse and develop your own performance management system
- Learn about different types of performance appraisal systems used globally
- Develop an appreciation of the commonly used best-practice approaches and formats for employee performance appraisals and performance rating scales
Manager, Petronas
Senior Manager, Human Resources, Siemens Malaysia
Some of the Companies in which Robert Mosley has trained